In the fall, let’s roll our clocks back a half hour and be done with it. Who’s with me?
Carrying a blackberry is the new AOL email address.
Too early to laugh about death and olde stuff?…
RT @baltimoresun 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…etc. Happy #PiDay.
No need to delete the tweet… they just updated it with another tweet!
Having trouble finding a good plugin? Join us tonight as seven speakers will talk about there favorite plugins:…
can someone please stop the infographic madness…
“If you have a clunky workflow that will filter down into everything else.” @alliwagner
A “real” user proves Windows 8 fails on the desktop… via @geekdotcom
“Users associate the right side of a page with text ads and consequently view this area of the page last or not at all”… Really interesting concept on how to get ourselves out of the literal design trap as it relates to responsive design.
There are too many web designers not designing for the web.
Panorama view, from our walk this morning, of the trail leading from the National Harbor to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge!
Happy International Day of Awesomeness, everybody!! I hope you’ve done you’re share of awesome feats today. #idoa
Webkit peeps, here’s a sneak-peak of the pop-up book I’ve been working on for Beercamp: Whacha think?
If you’re having floating problems I feel bad for you son, I got NaN problems but 0.9999999999 ain’t 1.
today is the day that all the losers go to SXSW
Haptic feedback confirmed for new iPad: Everything feels like smooth glass!
sad phone was lost, but gettin new phone on fri! It pays 2still be on family plan w/my ‘rents that don’t care about upgrades &fancy phones!
Great summer internship opportunity @pewinternet