Preferred BBQ Sauce Base: Vinegar (32%), Mustard (24%), Tomato (30%), Racism (14%) #BBQStats
Love that 1) Batman the Animated Series’ original site is still up ( and 2) its optimized for Netscape 2.0/IE 3.0 :oP
Wow, SlashDot founder @cmdrtaco just took a job as Chief Strategist at Washington Post Labs via @dangillmor
RT @snookca I’m rarely concerned about what’s ‘correct’ and more concerned about what works.
Virtual photo walks make photography accessible to people with disabilities:
@fugularity no mp3 players at all
Devs should unplug mouse and verify all functions, controls can be reached/activated with tab and enter/space. #csun12 #a11y @GoogleAccess
The first Global #Accessibility Awareness Day May 9 get involved @gbla11yday… #csun12 tweet me @jennison
19 kids and counting have the 19 worst names!!
We’re losing a great bozo filter. Anyone who endorsed Flash player for mobile was someone you knew, immediately, was stupid.
This week in San Diego is the largest accessibility event – watch #csun12 for news and discussion on #a11y topics ^AK
Talking about our “coding faces” and I’m pretty sure @kingkool68 has everyone beat #fb #gacdcSS
Best Actor in the Art of Reading Random Sketchy Texts Aloud: @kingkool68. I am laughing so hard! #gacdcSS #fb
off work today but woke up at the same time to head on out to WV to go snowboarding at snowshoe this weekend!
Surprised how many “infographics” out there are glorified movie posters. Remember its about efficient & effective comm. Not just design.
Apple got us to use reverse scrolling. I bet they could get us to use the metric system.
Wow. Vintage propaganda ads against the terrible menace of recorded sound, seen as a threat to musicians in the 1930s
Bad ass mod to a.macbook air. “@photomatt: Special WordPress Macbook Air”
This explains internet piracy very well:…
I just got really excited that I will be getting 3 paychecks in March! #SaveSaveSave