If you’re upset about seeing a middle finger on TV, you’re going to shit yourself when you see everything else going on in the world.
If you’re upset about seeing a middle finger on TV, you’re going to shit yourself when you see everything else going on in the world.
To ∞ & →
content: multiple sizes, meaningful data, written for reuse because you never know where it will be used in the future. @karenmcgrane #aea
RT @stevefaulkner: HTML5 browser accessibility support updated bit.ly/d6JBaN #mac #windows #IE #Safari #Opera #Chrome #Firefox
RT @LeonieWatson: Useful rough guide to browser, OS & screen reader support from @SteveFaulkner goo.gl/ujsQJ #a11y #screenreaders
New web design pattern library from @simplebits: pea.rs #aea
wow, there’s an ipad app that can entertain cats? finally I’ll recoup the hefty costs for “a piece of string” or “moving my hand around”
ConvergeSE 2012: convergese.com
I could wrap block-level elements in links before HTML5 too, you know. But now I can do it without some stupid validator telling me I can’t.
What turntable almost looked like – We were perusing some old files and this was what the first designed… tmblr.co/ZYc18xFiIxNf
RT if you #standwithPP
Sports: Peyton Manning likely will never play football again, sources say – latimes lat.ms/zuxF0j
okay let’s get something straight, IE, I never want to stop the script for grooveshark and I always want to go the website even if unsecure
At last, the story can be told: How and Why I Sold Get Rich Slowly — getrichslowly.org/blog/2012/01/3…
Responsive design is great, but it sure takes a while longer.
Waiting for Superman.. gives me more of a reason why i want to be a teacher 🙂
ping.fm/p/rMbeU – Bon Chon for lunch with my family!
OH: “A programmer is someone who looks both ways down a one-way street.”
Ryan Gosling didn’t get an Academy nomination? There’s some bullshit right there.
older than my children, younger than my parents, get the odd job