They said this new Macintosh operating system was better but they were Lion.
I am getting a new phone, yay!!! A Smart Phone even my husband will be jealous of …. #GalaxyNexus
Dropping a Magnet Through a Copper Pipe…
Barely Half of U.S. Adults Are Married – A Record Low via @pewresearch #marriage #divorce
If you’re going to play “Sleigh Ride”, it’s essential that you really own that horse sound at the end. Go big or go home.
Twitter is so much easier than being outgoing.
NewEgg Drops The Price On The 16GB Unlocked Galaxy Nexus To Under $700
#russellvsfood #russellvsfood #russellvsfood #russellvsfood #russellvsfood
WebOS is going open source:… — because, you know, that worked so well for Symbian.
Oh, here’s dumb idea- a QR code that goes to a 100% Flash website
Time to start working from the library: D.C. First in Nation to Get 100-Gigabit Fiber Network [DailyTech] via @trove
BREAKING: Super secret project from Twitter < check out the redesign!
Revised log levels proposal: “fyi,” “wtf,” and “omg.”
Solar-powered tanning salon. Really.
@ampilsner The only time the trending topics are worth a damn is seeing how stupid half of the users on twitter are.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” -Einstein
Alas, another year goes by without WuTang performing at the Super Bowl halftime
Video Tutorial: Easy to Create “placeholder” images for WordPress & Thesis Theme Sites | Jupiter Jim’s Marketing T..
RT @richquick I’m planning to do a version of jQuery where you use €() instead of $(). It’ll be more or less the same but far less stable.
Study confirms many of us go online for no reason: -ldh