At least @amazonsilk is webkit-based. Sort of. <<sigh>>
Q: “Why was six afraid of seven?” A: “Actually, numbers are abstract concepts, and therefore incapable of feeling fear.”
100% of lasers are FUCKING AWESOME.
Tomorrow at @fathomgallery 7pm, @kingkool68 will be presenting at @dcjquery on sticky headers:
SXSW is now a corporate machine that every year reduces its identity & intrinsic value…and is most politely described as a necessary-evil.
Fav feature in WP 3.3: wp_editor() “Plugins will be able to use the WP editor anywhere including the Visual/HTML tabs”
Five and a half years on, the @refreshdc community continues to inspire me. Thank you all.
Facebook installs 4,680 servers every business day. Holy crap.… #moderngeekdad
When asked what the greatest problem facing the country is, 88% of all ex-girlfriends responded, “Oh…nothing. *sigh*”
Hey! I am talking about supporting IE6 tomorrow at @refreshDC Come out!
AT&T gave $963,275 in political donations to 99 of 100 lawmakers that endorsed T-Mobile bid – @BloombergNews
Everyone’s a designer today!
nice album cover:…
Helpful & beautiful web #accessibility design infographic by WebAIM:
78% of you are reading this right now.
I sleep better knowing that everyone on Twitter knows how to run large complex businesses better than those successfully running them.
What ARRRR ye doin’ fer lunch, me hearties?
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is there any christian dubstep yet
Melanie’s 3rd Law of Monitors: the size of a screen is always less than the sum of its open windows.