@hellogeri oh God, are they having another #aea ??? @zeldman always annoys me by using me on a damn slide! 🙂 The nit. – thanks for warning
#aea I enforce global IP aggressively and I will take action against AEA delegates using animated gifs. Please write that bit down. Thanks.
1998 — internet traffic doubles every 100 days #aea
Hiphoptimizing my ciznode wit da gzip in this heezy #aea
That’s two presenters in a row to use “fail” in their slides. Hoping for a hat trick at #aneventapart.
Not sure about this ‘not styling IDs’ and have class driven styles .that on top of the things aren’t semantic (.h1, .h2 etc…) … :/ #aea
Hmm, @stubbornella’s OO approach to CSS preso has some good QA tricks, but her philosophy has too much scaffolding for general use #aea
wordpress driven site – yay! with a blogspot powered blog – huh?
Stare at the monitor all day then go home and stare at the monitor all night.
This WordCamp is now DIAMONDS!!! #wcma
PRO Tip from @williamsba- Don’t light zombies on fire #wcma
86% of cell users think it’s rude when someone repeatedly interrupts a conversation/mtg to ck their phone: pewrsr.ch/adultsmobile
8-foot shark caught in Potomac River. bit.ly/bQ2VBh
New info being reported about Discovery standoff. Gunman had two pistols but they were both starter pistols. Sad.
Um, OMG. RT @jdivenere: Here’s a pic of the gunman that my colleage at #discovery sent me yfrog.com/2mhdmdj
If the manifesto @wusa9 identified is the gunman’s, could it be this man, arrested in ’08 for #Discovery protest: bit.ly/ctJT6B
My new favorite feature of iTunes. flic.kr/p/8xjUSB
Next Metro, a 10K Apart entry by @nclud, tells DC commuters when trains are coming. 10k.aneventapart.com/Entry/413
google xml sitemaps now supports multisite bit.ly/cj45Rx
Client – “Hey, when will this project be done?”
PM – “Good question, when will you know what you want?”