Dynamic Dummy Image Generator (Useful!) – bit.ly/1cOYti
Dynamic Dummy Image Generator (Useful!) – bit.ly/1cOYti
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Retweet if @Grooveshark gets you through the day!
Security cameras don’t ensure safety. Ninjas do.
the apple tablet kind of seems like avatar: not at all interesting outside of the fact that “it looks cool”
January @refreshdc is on for Thursday at CDIA! David DeSandro will talk about color theory and colorblindness. bit.ly/4HLXjm
want a sexy new timbuk2 laptop bag? RT this. #freebagsforall
Jay Leno poked fun at Cowboys for complaining that Vikings ran up score: “I haven’t seen cowboys cry like that since ‘Brokeback Mountain’.”
Request to Tay Zonday: please do your version of Pants on the Ground–today! bit.ly/5DDmRk #pantsontheground
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