get_page_by_title() deprecated
If you can deal with ambiguity, you can deal with anything.
Struggling a bit at the moment after recently being laid off.
If anyone knows of part/full time WordPress developer positions please let me know, or feel free to pass on my details.
Anything with consistent hours really.
Thanks, friends. 🙏
Parents, do you wonder if maybe the reason we’re sick all the time is because we’re eating our kids’ leftovers?
No that can’t be it.
One of the best pieces i’ve read on the topic. Every point here is good, if you’re even thinking of marketing to developers read and absorb this.…
The Washington Post Design System recently published our first open source accessibility documentation! This is part of our effort to better standardize (and share) practices. There is something for everyone, including technical and non-technical guides.…
every american president, but they’re all cool and they all sport a mullet
46. Joe Biden
website pro tip:
as a user of websites, when was the last time you sat and watched all of the slides in a slider?
How does anyone ever make anything in WPBakery, it’s such a hot mess to use
this is “real graphic design”
I’m still on the hunt for a new role. I would appreciate passing along any needs or leads for an Engineering Manager or Senior+ Front-End Developer you might have or know about.
RTs appreciated ❤️
May soon be in the market for a front end dev that knows their way around WordPress/Theme development with good understanding of straight up CSS/Sass. PHP/Laravel/Js (vanilla & vue) a bonus. Does such person exist? Realise I’m probably asking the world 👀
It’s impotant to make assumptions as a developer, but we also need to question them. Here are 20 falsehoods the WordPress Developers believe and why it is important to question the assumptions that cause them…
“We need static site generators because HTML has no way to do things natively like include headers and footers and navigation!”
Congratulations, you invented PHP
New on the WordPress Developer Blog: Intrinsic design, theming, and rethinking how to design with WordPress
The WordPress plugin ecosystem quality could be much improved if there were basic restrictions like:
❌ Don’t globally enqueue your assets — load them only when required & allow them to be easily opt-out
❌ Cut it out with using jQuery already
Webperf is important, y’all
I’ll never understand mounting a TV over a fireplace.
🍦 New Article: React is still absolutely terrible for web performance #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie