@jerrymichalski How ironic that this is the one time in 2020 where we can’t tell someone “you’re on mute.”
@jerrymichalski How ironic that this is the one time in 2020 where we can’t tell someone “you’re on mute.”
Mute the mic when it’s not their turn. On both sides.
I don’t trust people who don’t use semicolons in JavaScript.
This tweet brought to you by my work this afternoon:
Q: “Why does the content not load on this site?”
A: Third-party JS!
Q: “Why are all the links on this site broken?”
A: Third-party JS!
Text and links should not require another person’s JavaScript to work.
Javascript is overused twitter.com/tlakomy/status/13104…
Friends, I’m still on the lookout for contract work – either frontend developer or interaction designer.
Due to covid, lockdown & home schooling I was not able to get a contract – but now I’m available & ready for new challanges.
Will consider #freelance, #contract or #perm
Here is a thread about the bad takes I am seeing on Twitter about the Trump tax story. If your gut reaction is nihilistic, cynical, or dismissive, I am going to try to change your mind.
Hi Devs
If it GOES someWHERE use a link
If it DOES someTHING use a button
Zoom is now forcing either a waiting room or passcode on all meetings. support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/article… So all of your existing meetings will have a waiting room enabled automatically. Be ready for it!
Sites like Netflix put movies into rows of categories which can be horizontally scrolled into view.
This pattern is accessible, responsive and consistent across screen sizes.
That’s a lot of pros for a pattern that in reality has some critical downsides.
Let’s break it down 👇 t.co/eVUJyyIdvm
why are we only commenting our code? we should be liking and subscribing too
Wasn’t technology supposed to make things better?
Studio 24 ultimately determined that working with a CMS to make it better was more possible with a smaller, proprietary vendor than with a large open-source project. Project leadership would be more receptive, and the smaller community means changes can be made more quickly.
This chart really says it all, IMO
Earlier OSs in a 5K resolution space.
This tiktok is the best tiktok
Why I’m still using Picasa in 2020: petapixel.com/2020/09/24/why-im-…
I’m in the market for a full-time junior web development role (remote). I have experience with #JavaScript, #PowerShell, #SQL, PHP, HTML/CSS, React, Gatsby, and SASS. Open to learning other languages!
[New blog post!]: The failed promise of Web Components
This started as a series of tweets, but I quickly realized I needed something more long form to properly unfold my thoughts.
Ok. Okaaay.
I didn’t want to respond to the Atlantic piece about how Trump can steal the election by flipping electors in states with GOP held legislatures, but I will.
Here’s my take.
From the article⤵️
1/ t.co/qtjStox3v0
Author, lawyer (UC Berkeley) Bio: terikanefield-blog.com/bio/ Blog: terikanefield-blog.com To Do List: terikanefield-blog.com/things-to…