Always nice to find some new apps you never knew about. Found some goodies in this list that I’m going to play with.…
Vera had a blast on the Furry Express train. The one ride in the whole park she could go on.
@daljo628 Trying to run my own photon server for testing some stuff… What rewrite rules do I need to make it work?…
Anyone going to #wcphilly this weekend should get a Philly Taco. Aka a Jim’s cheesesteak wrapped in a jumbo slice..
Zadie completes her transformation into a full fledged Zadiebug.
“Grandpa what was life like when you were a kid?”
“Back in my day Dropbox was just a place you put stuff…”
Kids zoom off on hover boards
My favorite part of WordPress is how it is possible to modify it to do what you want for a project. I wish WordPress JS had the same spirit.
Here’s my gospel – every meeting should always have:
• an agenda
• goals
• roles
• responsibilities
• activities (with timing)
• next steps
howdy. im the sheriff of wordpress
👇🏽 ⓌⓌⓌ 👇🏽
👢 👢
Have a good day at #wcdc
Man the Microsoft store is so buggy to use on my phone…)()
Cut off buttons, cheesy social chiclets, wiggling content
B is for breakfast, C is for cookie. Zadie was awstruck meeting Cookie Monster at breakfast.
“People tend to assume tech is hard and humans are easy. In my experience tech is easy and humans are hard.” @EthanZ
Swinging. And testing out our snow gear for the upcoming noreaster. #ZadieAlyssa #purpleCoat
I’m going to be looking for a new senior dev to join our team at Pew Research. Full stack devs with WP & react experience a plus. PM me.
@mcmanusducksong What’s the difference between Cache-Control: Immutable and far future expires headers? Would they accomplish the same thing
.@WordPressDC back at CHIEF 1/17! @courtneydawn to talk CMSs @ museums + @kingkool68 will talk scaling on @awscloud.…
@taupecat @danielbachhuber Half that time was verifying the domains by which Amazon sends an email to addresses in your whois records. UgHHH
Conferences! *Please* include the year in URLs, and archive past sites. As a speaker, stable URLs and historical data are crucial for my CV.
@charlotteis @anna_debenham We’ve been using ZenHub for a Trello like experience within GitHub via a Chrome Extension. Long before Projects.
i really don’t want to live/continue living in a world where pageviews and banner ad revenue are the only way to make money. nor should you!