Always nice to find some new apps you never knew about. Found some goodies in this list that I’m going to play with. twitter.com/AndroidPolice/status…
Always nice to find some new apps you never knew about. Found some goodies in this list that I’m going to play with. twitter.com/AndroidPolice/status…
Vera had a blast on the Furry Express train. The one ride in the whole park she could go on. instagram.com/p/BcRB5REF_Qx/
@daljo628 Trying to run my own photon server for testing some stuff… What rewrite rules do I need to make it work? code.trac.wordpress.org/browser/…
Anyone going to #wcphilly this weekend should get a Philly Taco. Aka a Jim’s cheesesteak wrapped in a jumbo slice..
Zadie completes her transformation into a full fledged Zadiebug.
#ZadieAlyssa #appleofmyeye instagram.com/p/BZ7ets8Fpyh/
“Grandpa what was life like when you were a kid?”
“Back in my day Dropbox was just a place you put stuff…”
Kids zoom off on hover boards
My favorite part of WordPress is how it is possible to modify it to do what you want for a project. I wish WordPress JS had the same spirit.
Here’s my gospel – every meeting should always have:
• an agenda
• goals
• roles
• responsibilities
• activities (with timing)
• next steps
howdy. im the sheriff of wordpress
👇🏽 ⓌⓌⓌ 👇🏽
👢 👢
Have a good day at #wcdc
Man the Microsoft store is so buggy to use on my phone microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/e…)()
Cut off buttons, cheesy social chiclets, wiggling content
B is for breakfast, C is for cookie. Zadie was awstruck meeting Cookie Monster at breakfast. instagram.com/p/BTfJD5xldTr/
“People tend to assume tech is hard and humans are easy. In my experience tech is easy and humans are hard.” @EthanZ x.design.blog/
Swinging. And testing out our snow gear for the upcoming noreaster. #ZadieAlyssa #purpleCoat instagram.com/p/BRjbQmoFxXi/
I’m going to be looking for a new senior dev to join our team at Pew Research. Full stack devs with WP & react experience a plus. PM me.
@mcmanusducksong What’s the difference between Cache-Control: Immutable and far future expires headers? Would they accomplish the same thing
.@WordPressDC back at CHIEF 1/17! @courtneydawn to talk CMSs @ museums + @kingkool68 will talk scaling on @awscloud. meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/23…
@taupecat @danielbachhuber Half that time was verifying the domains by which Amazon sends an email to addresses in your whois records. UgHHH
Conferences! *Please* include the year in URLs, and archive past sites. As a speaker, stable URLs and historical data are crucial for my CV.
@charlotteis @anna_debenham We’ve been using ZenHub for a Trello like experience within GitHub via a Chrome Extension. Long before Projects.
i really don’t want to live/continue living in a world where pageviews and banner ad revenue are the only way to make money. nor should you!
deputy audience director @nytimes audio, formerly head of audience @mtvnews, marylander, terrapin, 🇵🇷