I mean has no one heard of WordPress VIP? twitter.com/redcrew/status/13461…
I mean has no one heard of WordPress VIP? twitter.com/redcrew/status/13461…
Teacher over Zoom: Good morning today is January 4th…
*6 Year old turns to me*
Daddy it’s the last day of Toyotathon!
Apparently slack2.com is available. Just saying…
Hey WordPress/PHP friends. I’m working on a contract for custom theme/plug-in coding. I may have capacity to bring more developers on to help me over the next few months. Contract for 20 or 40hr/wk. If interested drop me a DM and I’ll get back in touch.
P.s. we’re hiring a Rails dev indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=51417585…
New Year new job! I’m now Marketing Lead Web Developer at @CoderPad
Still working with WordPress everyday.
January is latin for “month to put away Christmas decorations”
The 6 year old is adamant we get to a Toyota dealer for the last days of Toyotathon. Thanks commercials.
Let’s make HTML more powerful.
What if we could extend links to only load and replace some HTML of a page?
What really mattered about Flash, in my view:
1) For 95% of applications you can just distribute a single SWF file
2) You have a robust authoring tool that is animation/graphics-first and newbie friendly
3) You can send a link to your mom and she can just play it w/ no issues
My 6 year old is going to message me pictures like this every weekend for the rest of my life and there a-ok with me
My universal credit has been cancelled, I’ve been looking for jobs since I lost mine but no luck.
Now I have no income at all so please if anyone is hiring let me know, this is a cry for help.
It’s nice to be able to stop and enjoy the early morning sun streaming into the windows. The girls are on their iPads, perfectly content. Caden, still slumbering. There is no rush to be anywhere.
Just here.
📸 instagram.com/p/CJi4GPXM2rP/ via tweet.photo
Early riser.
📸 instagram.com/p/CJiz1rSMJQ7/ via tweet.photo
I spent the evening updating my career history on multiple sites to just double check dates and stuff. Always good to get the details right.
Had a dream I was riding on the metro naked last night. So 2021 is off to a weird start.
Zadie’s New Year resolution is to get better at shuffling.
📸 instagram.com/p/CJhQUcLF4wZ/ via tweet.photo
The Flash version of my site I launched just after graduation in 2006 has outlived Flash itself. russellheimlich.com/flash/
A lot of times I mind blog. I think of things I would blog and how I would write them out. But I don’t have enough time to get them out of my head and onto a screen to actually blog. One day I’ll get there…
It was that early–maybe 2000-2002–that the horse had left the barn forever. It was easier to make cool-looking stuff across browsers with Flash than with HTML. And virtually nobody cared that it was all inaccessible to blind, low-vision and keyboard users.
Head of inclusive design at Adobe. Shiny things enthusiast. he/him