I got started with @Netlify for the first time thanks to @zachleat’s @speedlify. Super simple to get started but the pricing seems so complicated if you’re running a typical website.
I got started with @Netlify for the first time thanks to @zachleat’s @speedlify. Super simple to get started but the pricing seems so complicated if you’re running a typical website.
My New year’s resolution is to touch my face as much as I want
“the next inane novelty song to sweep the country”
What song do you think it is?
I just finished watching Mike Birbiglia’s Netflix special and how Mike yells is the voice I read @QuinnyPig’s tweets in
Spending the morning rolling around his room.
📸 instagram.com/p/CJbbNmvs6sc/ via tweet.photo
I like the take from CSS Tricks on Basecamp’s Hotwire approach/philosophy for building resilient web solutions:
How many thin Oreos do you need to eat before they start working?
PHP is a great language twitter.com/GenericBologna/statu…
The reveal….
Any guesses what it is?
Everything in IT that is actually useful is invisible. twitter.com/QuinnyPig/status/134…
It’s kind of a bummer, as a user, to toggle this setting — I prefer the minimal UI! But ultimately, as a developer, I wanna know when my CSS causes problems for my users. It’s more important. t.co/mG30NAAR3z
My favorite toddler saying is “why come”.
If there is one hobby I’m glad I haven’t fallen into its custom mechanical keyboards. Phew boy!
Target sizes help us all.
Ali Boulala was a crazy skateboarder. I imagine a documentary about him would be insane. I always wanted to know what goes on in the mind of someone who jumped down 25 stairs.
I just backed The Scars of Ali Boulala on @Kickstarter kickstarter.com/projects/thescar…
when your code is clever and unreadable
😬 The worst thing in the world† is when hover animations stutter, because moving the cursor causes it to enter/leave.
🔥 Fix it by separating the _trigger_ from the _visual effect_. Listen for hover on the parent.
Codepen: codepen.io/joshwcomeau/pen/Exgmq…
† Very slight exaggeration. t.co/Qti2XZn8le
Indie hacker. Instructor @concordia_btcmp.
Previously @gatsbyjs, @khanacademy, @unsplash.
@apapenheim’s partner 🌈 He/Him