Psst, pass it on…
Psst, pass it on…
36 lifetimes worth of music and yet I have nothing I want to listen to…
Very happy to see we’ve helped one of our customers save over 97% of their monthly costs compared to CloudFront while still offering lightning-fast performance for cheaper than a bag of carrots 🐇
Playing Super Mario Bros. before school.
📸 instagram.com/p/CD3oVMuhvJ4/ via tweet.photo
PHP 8 is coming on November 26, 2020. Expect new functions like str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with(). There is also a whole bunch of other stuff that I don’t really understand.
✍️ New post: How I Structure My CSS (for Now)
#css #methodologies
From me to all of you!
Oh no, I’m not really hungry, but I’ve got far too much money!
Voiceover: Have you considered TAPAS?
We perfected the grouping of internet friends in 1999 and things have only trended downward since
OJ Simpson trial verdict. They announced the results during lunch. I was in 4th grade I think. twitter.com/jvharris_1965/status…
We’re dropping a different kind of track: a new ice cream truck jingle. Sound UP to hear why I collabed with @GoodHumor.
Check out the full track here: goodhumor.com/jingle
#GoodHumorPartner t.co/9SXxvuTGCu
When interviewers ask me if I’m hopeful for Accessibility in the future, stories like this are what allow me to say yes
Of his own volition, Tony Hawk chooses to rename an iconic skater move because times have changed and it’s not appropriate and didn’t convey the right message twitter.com/USgamernet/status/12…
I still like WordPress.
Sadly, after 8.5 amazing years, my Mozilla dream has come to and end.
Excited for the next dream though! If you’re looking for a passionate, web-loving engineer, shoot me a DM or email.
Modernizing a Legacy PHP Application adrien.poupa.fr/modernizing-a-le…
Zadie was playing with regular Legos at school when I picked her up. I told her when she got home to ask Grandma Beth where my old Lego sets were. My mom had kept them from my childhood all this time and now Zadie is…
📸 instagram.com/p/CDxQOuan4Ng/ via tweet.photo
After much consideration I have picked a tub of nacho cheese as my snack companion tonight.
And I set 19 out of 26 plugins to auto update. The other plugins are all custom and not hosted on the plugin directory.
And I just updated my stable of personal sites to the latest version just like that. Everything works! twitter.com/WordPress/status/129…
WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine” wordpress.org/news/2020/08/wordp…
Updates and other fun stuff related to WordPress.org (that’s the self-hosted version). For support: WordPress.org/support/