Absolutely delicious anecdote about Unicode mojibake “unintelligible sequence of characters” [via @davidacohen] unicodebook.readthedocs.io/defin… t.co/mkINkmog6F
Absolutely delicious anecdote about Unicode mojibake “unintelligible sequence of characters” [via @davidacohen] unicodebook.readthedocs.io/defin… t.co/mkINkmog6F
Literally no one:
Web devs: Leaves 6 figure job to start a $5 per month SaaS business.
I may or may not still do this on a production site twitter.com/joe_ashwell/status/1…
It’s survey season!
State of CSS 2022: survey.devographics.com/survey/s…
@codingame4work ‘s Annual Developer Survey: surveymonkey.com/r/PH7DYLG
Its October, and everyone knows what that means: time to revisit the single best introduction to logic gates ever created! XNOR remains the spookiest gate. Work by @38mo1. t.co/R94klZRu7m
i write html
/thread over
Shout out to all of the people I sponsor on GitHub and their awesome contributions!
How Stable Diffusion works
and a video
PHP is fun
Hey friends, I was unexpectedly laid off from my job last week. I’m looking for a new director-level role in content strategy, digital strategy, UX, or accessibility. Remote or Chicago. Thanks in advance for any intros or suggestions! linkedin.com/in/clarissapeterson…
@kingkool68 I want to say I love Dummy Image! Ideal for making sketches for apps!
babe are you ok? you’ve barely touched that new technology you said was the future last year
The Tripitaka Koreana – carved on 81258 woodblocks in the 13th century – is the most successful large data transfer over time yet achieved by humankind. 52 million characters of information, transmitted over nearly 8 centuries with zero data loss – an unequalled achievement. 1/ t.co/TaNkmlldhA
It’s fascinating how ever-present parking was in The Jetsons. I can’t think of any other media where parking lots or signage were/are so prominently featured. This was the utopia of the early 1960s: unlimited free parking. t.co/1tWatK3xfX
Experimenting with the #DinamicIsland with @rive_app . Hehehe.. This is fun…
ayo react devs – go checkout app.coderpad.io/sandbox, select react and play with the new environment that we just released. build an entire react app straight in your browser 🤠
it’s dope!
y’all y’all y’all. @coderpad. i also build shopify apps that have a 95%+ profitability