** Closes 34 browser tabs about the philosophical merits of time, Stack Overflow posts about time zone math, time.gov, Wikipedia article about Epoch time **
Ok the jQuery UI datepicker it is then…
** Closes 34 browser tabs about the philosophical merits of time, Stack Overflow posts about time zone math, time.gov, Wikipedia article about Epoch time **
Ok the jQuery UI datepicker it is then…
I have no idea what Twitter is talking about with the super bowl. But here’s a photo of a cool number that showed up on my odometer yesterday.
Or how terrible Twitter’s scheduled tweet date picker is?
(Why does it default to 5 days from the future?!?!)
And how terrible the Twitter schedule tweet date picker is…
(why does it default to 5 days in the future?)
Do you ever just sit and think about how awesome the Google Calendar date picker is and how much thought went into making it work the way it does?
Requirement: Users should be able to specify a time
Me after thinking about this for 5 minutes:
Ok easy enough, I’ll just add a date picker component…
Me after thinking about this for 15 minutes:
But wait what timezone are we talking about? What if the user is in a different timezone than the site?
Me after thinking about this for 30 minutes:
wHaT eVeN iS tImE?
Our mystical dinner toddler.
📸 instagram.com/p/CZ00iSDsu60/ via tweet.photo
First day of New York Times Wordle…
Not bad.
Wordle 237 3/6*
those commits are supposed to tell a story ðŸ˜
Honk for semantic HTML.
“That’s dumb. Why is it built that way?”
Apparently they haven’t heard about PHP.js php-js.com/ twitter.com/github/status/149113…
This animation that just launched on their MacOS app is just so darn delightful. I shared it with some design friends this morning. I’d love for @WordPress to do something similar with our icons. t.co/kTkllCekks
Me serving dinner: So what do you think?
Wife: It looks like a TV dinner.
Me: Wow! A meal worthy of being on TV? I’m honored.
Wife: The only TV show this meal will be on is Worst Cooks in America.
Hey all.
Currently looking for a new job.
If anyone is hiring, let me know.
Pls RT for exposure.
The appropriate sized table for eating with a toddler and not having to worry about food getting splattered on you. twitter.com/KremlinRussia_E/stat…
Thanks I hate it
You know how an API will just send JSON text? It is possible to use the same technology to send plain HTML text. Dynamically!
No need to sluggishly flop the DOM around like a fish out of water. t.co/2bQ3u9sIy5
cofounder @begin; building functional web apps w arc.codes; aws serverless heroes; web developer; 🖤