I love it when designers push the limits twitter.com/Create_28/status/142…
I love it when designers push the limits twitter.com/Create_28/status/142…
Ain’t it the truth.
The Beach Closing pbfcomics.com/comics/beach-closi…
.Net developers 😂
My potential progression in the business world is probably severely limited since I’m not on board of using most acronyms/shorthand everywhere and prefer writing things out for better clarity.
Guide to building a Headless WordPress site for the vast majority:
Zadie (age 6) always wanted a pet but we got her a little brother instead…
Had a dream my toe really hurt. Woke up and realized I have an ingrown toenail. Dreams really do come true!
Him: Amazon Prime and chill?
Her: That’s not something people say.
Him: Sure it is. Bing it.
Her: Also not a thing.
Big ol spider built a big ol web over the course of a few hours.
📸 instagram.com/p/CSim0FYM7S9/ via tweet.photo
The beach kiddos.
#CadenApollo #ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison
📸 instagram.com/p/CSdL3XNs62k/ via tweet.photo
Bunny sighting🐇
📸 instagram.com/p/CSdKm0LMeJT/ via tweet.photo
✅ take out cactus pricks from a 1 year old’s hand who gripped the cactus harder than a cookie
Mini golf mountain.
📸 instagram.com/p/CSaoUVisiTW/ via tweet.photo
**Showing the kids a pelican**
Mommy: See it has a big bill. What else has a big bill?
Daddy: Mommy after a Target run 🤣
An entire playground all to ourselves and all he wants to do is sit with the rocks.
📸 instagram.com/p/CSVWYQ8MJIG/ via tweet.photo
Just hanging around…
📸 instagram.com/p/CSVWzaLM2g6/ via tweet.photo
Playground playboy.
📸 instagram.com/p/CSVKs-DsCHK/ via tweet.photo
Fry kids. Taking a McDonald’s break on our way to Ocean City for the week.
#CadenApollo #ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison
📸 instagram.com/p/CSS5wrusyf3/ via tweet.photo
Meet the 16-year-old entrepreneur interested in crypto currency
My book is out now! // Emmy Award winner // Screenwriter // Community Manager @SBNation // Formerly @FOXSports // #SFGiants fan