Watching sesame street.
6 year old: Do the characters know that they’re puppets?
Watching sesame street.
6 year old: Do the characters know that they’re puppets?
I made a dating sim where you can romance the monsters from Doom!
“Doomed Love” features:
– four demons to date
– five endings
– all original art/music
– absolutely no gore or violence!
Download (for free!) now: mediafire.com/file/5f88eamra3sk5…
I think a lot about this, too. Often.
h1 { … }
h2 { … }
p { … }
.sidebar h1 { … }
.sidebar h2 { … }
.sidebar p { … }
I think too many devs today just don’t know this is how CSS is supposed to work. Use the cascade! twitter.com/heydonworks/status/1…
Man swallowed whole by humpback whale… and then spit out
Quizzing my 4 year old on letters in the car on the way to daycare is the closest I’ll ever get to being on the game show Cash Cab
Jony Ive says Steve Jobs key trait was “focus”.
And the way Jobs measured it in others was to ask “what thing that you truly care about have you said NO to?” t.co/WqJ97kkqv6
A Senior Full Stack WordPress Developer is wanted over at @reaktivstudios #WordPressJobs ow.ly/JVys30rKlWM t.co/3D0zFANc6A
Timely as I am working on a marketing website homepage RIGHT NOW twitter.com/brad_frost/status/14…
Well since I’m trying to hit the job search from all angles today, might as well remind all you fine folks here on Twitter that after 6 months, I’m still looking for my first front-end developer role. 😵💫
RTs help a ton! ❤️
Portfolio here! 👉 charles.desider.io 👈
As big proponents of web performance, we’re so happy to hear that the next major release of #WordPress will natively support WebP! make.wordpress.org/core/2021/06/…
Just because you can do it in JavaScript — doesn’t mean you should.
Startup job descriptions should really just say “your role will change every week and without notice”.
The Story of Twitpic
My bet is Apple is going to talk a lot about AR/VR stuff a lot today… #WWDC21
And just like that it’s the last week of kindergarten for my 6 year old. Phew! That school year went by fast.
cURL works. Thank goodness for cURL. And thank goodness for @bagder for maintaining it.
Maybe if I just disable JavaScript? No dice. Just a blank screen.
The SSL certificate on my county utilities website expired. Their site has a lovely snippet of JavaScript that relies on the certificate being correct and my browser connecting to the service (which it can’t do).
So now I get this dumb modal telling me I’m not connected to the Internet (I totally am).
I’m happy to announce a new owner for icanhazip starting tomorrow! 🎉
The mission remains the same.
Major is my first name, not a rank. Delivers Dad jokes on demand.🤙 Proud @UTSA Alum. The guy behind icanhazip.com. 📻 Ham radio: W5WUT