Object destructuring in assignment in JavaScript (aka this developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs…) is weird.
It seems similar to extract in PHP which WordPress had a hell of a time removing core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2…
Object destructuring in assignment in JavaScript (aka this developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs…) is weird.
It seems similar to extract in PHP which WordPress had a hell of a time removing core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2…
📢 New Project:
Queue Code, allows you to “Live“ Code without Errors
Read more: zachleat.com/web/queue-code/
“I think of progressive enhancement and accessibility as the same process, but with different foci. A11y aims to optimize an experience across a spectrum of user capabilities. Progressive enhancement aims to optimize an experience across a spectrum of user _agent_ capabilities.” twitter.com/ppk/status/136890980…
A reminder that JavaScript has more than one kind of arrow function. You’re probably using the wrong one! medium.com/@Heydon/choosing-the-…
Hey @CLSulzberger and @TheJackForge, sorry it took so long, but I got the blog post out with my thoughts on WordPress. There’s a list of plugins/themes that I like and you may as well.
4 year old: Look there’s Slimer!
We were watching a Mucinex commercial…
it’s a joke please don’t hurt me
Normalize admitting you were wrong.
Meanwhile my wife is like…
“O my phone is at 2%. I’ve got plenty of time.”
The kids look forward to the weekend because we let them watch their iPads then.
Us: Why aren’t you using your iPad?
6 year old: It’s charging. I want to wait until it’s 100%.
The battery was at 96% when she put it back on the charger.
Be still my beating heart… twitter.com/melchoyce/status/136…
📸 instagram.com/p/CMBRDIdsNSz/ via tweet.photo
Clicking the pin also shows a subtle AD disclaimer
That’s um… subtle…
#ArtsOfVibrancy Neon Pastel vividness is my thing ✨🌙
PHP is an amazing programming language.
Hi, I’m looking for front end WordPress roles, if ya know of anything 🙂
Today I wrote something in plain old vanilla JavaScript that I formally would have relied on jQuery for. It took way longer with much Googling but progress is progress.
I mean really–what’s easier to get approved? “I will build your website that does FOO for $25K” or “I charge $175 an hour for WordPress development; this should take 120 hours-ish?”
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news: lastweekinaws.com/t/