Stop, Drop, and Roll didn’t help prepare me for the types of fires I would face as an adult…
Stop, Drop, and Roll didn’t help prepare me for the types of fires I would face as an adult…
@kingkool68 Your joy will be… fleeting.
It finally happened! No one posted a fleet.
Not gonna lie… HTML programming is fun!
A group of toddlers is called a handful
Friday night selfies.
📸 instagram.com/p/CLx5favM3n5/ via tweet.photo
Worry less about people disabling JavaScript for websites.
Worry more about JavaScript disabling websites for people.
Recreating the Mac operating system is a developer rite of passage. Recreating Mac OS X done in Flash circa 2006
(Needs something like ruffle.rs/ to get Flash working in 2021+) twitter.com/kentcdodds/status/13…
Little man had a rough time getting himself back to sleep but he eventually figured it out and this is how I found him.
📸 instagram.com/p/CLvkg8QMwas/ via tweet.photo
40% of the web uses WordPress – w3techs.com/blog/entry/40_percen… via @W3Techs
Naturally I go to release some pent up frustration and the universe whips up a slice of humble pie for me. One of my more important life moments actually did post correctly…
May your days be productive chasing whatever drives your curiosity!
Today Vera completed 4 rotations around the sun. To celebrate we rented out an entire movie theater at 6:45pm on a Wednesday night for her and a few of her classmates. I’ve never had a more enjoyable time in a theater…
📸 instagram.com/p/CLtDJoBMgWn/ via tweet.photo
Technology is so cool. I can take photos of my child’s art before throwing it away and put it in a virtual album. I mean, I don’t personally do that but it’s still cool that it’s an option.
The Streisand Effect in action… twitter.com/PavelASamsonov/statu…
WordPress. twitter.com/SavvasStephnds/statu…
This is his dad twitter.com/LiveScience/status/1…
hi twitter– i’ve been out of a job since august and i am slowly losing my mind bc i haven’t been able to find a full time gig. i’m a content strategist + copywriter who’s into marketing and social media.
it would mean a lot if you could like and RT 🥺
My wife painted our two girls’ fingers and toes yesterday. Their reaction when they woke up this morning:
Have you got a personal site that you just can’t get to read as well as some of the others you like on the web?
Do you just want to learn how to make things look good?
I’ve got your back with the latest tutorial on Piccalilli: piccalil.li/tutorial/improve-the…
Mozilla has captured its history in its logo twitter.com/very_real_Luigi/stat…
Proprietor of TEXTFILES.COM, historian, filmmaker, archivist, storyteller. Works on/for the Internet Archive. Rank Amateur.