It’s impotant to make assumptions as a developer, but we also need to question them. Here are 20 falsehoods the WordPress Developers believe and why it is important to question the assumptions that cause them aaron.jorb.in/making-and-questio…
It’s impotant to make assumptions as a developer, but we also need to question them. Here are 20 falsehoods the WordPress Developers believe and why it is important to question the assumptions that cause them aaron.jorb.in/making-and-questio…
One of my absolutely favorite agencies to work with, @yikesinc, is hiring for a WordPress Developer. yikesinc.com/contact/wordpress-d…
My team has a number of openings. If you are someone who thinks working on big WordPress sites requires you to work at agency but don’t want agency life, then we might be the right fit for you.
– Associate Project Manager
– React Dev
– WordPress Dev
– Devops
– JS/Rev Tech Dev
Unpopular opinion: WordPress is making the right decision to not abandon PHP 5.6 just yet
__DIR__ vs dirname( __FILE__ ) daily.jorb.in/2019/10/dir-vs-dir…
My company is looking for another Senior Software Engineer focused on WordPress. This is a remote position. If you are at @wcmontclair, I would love to chat today. #wcmontclair thegravityapp.com/shared/job?u=1… #jobopening #applynow
In Honor of #Maythe4th , I hope you all live long and prosper 🖖🏻
It’s Official, PHP minimum version bump is happening for WordPress:
I agree with @jdevalk. I’m worried that WordPress 5.0 is moving too fast to be stable for a major release in less than 2 weeks. joost.blog/wordpress-5-0-needs-a…
“The Fold” is my least favorite term related to website creation.
At 11:15 I’ll be leading an unconference session to discuss Gutenberg and what it means for publishers. #wcpub
Live captioning of events like #wcdc makes me 😍😍😍
7 years ago today, the @WordPressDC meetup kicked off. Tomorrow it celebrates the first @wordcampdc. daily.jorb.in/2017/07/birth-of-a…
Super excited for @wordcampdc this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Get your tickets: 2017.dc.wordcamp.org/tickets/
Tickets are now available for @wcpublishers! I don’t think these will last long, so get them now!
I’ve put together 3 brand new talk ideas for @wordcampdc . I haven’t been this excited for a wordamp in YEARS!
Here is a puppy. Aren’t puppies awesome?
Publish something deeply personal: get 10 pageviews
Publish a joke: Get close to 1200 pageviews.
Ah, the internet.
The temporary code you write is never temporary. github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11…
Excited to announce that I will be giving the keynote address at @WordCampPhilly this year: philly.wordcamp.org/2015/2015/04…
Odds are I’ve broken more websites than you // Art, Code, & Beverages. @WordPress committer. @AMUNchicago Board. he/him