Q: How do you generate a random string?
A: Put a Windows user in front of vi, and tell them to exit
Q: How do you generate a random string?
A: Put a Windows user in front of vi, and tell them to exit
WordPress is a USER centric project which is why it makes decisions such as continued support of php 5.2 @miss_jwo #phpuk15
I’ve often said that @yurivictor is the smartest person I know, this talk proves it youtube.com/watch?v=bYOOCG1gAaM
The WordCamp Philly audience enthralled in @helenhousandi’s keynote. #wcphilly
We need to educate the entire organization, not just developers about accessibility. Content creators, designers, everyone. #a11ycampbay
Want to see WordPress Post Forking improve? Support this campaign now – indiegogo.com/projects/wordpress…
Thanks to everyone who made it out to WordPressDC tonight. I hope you enjoyed the lightening talks.
Tabs and tags. OSX is now a web 2.0 application
Today is the day we get to find out what features Apple is copying from android & linux in a way that is 10x more usable and 30x more pretty
I just backed Easy Chirp 2: Contribute to an Inclusive Twittersphere on @Kickstarter kck.st/17dkAAE
A decent turnout and some good discussion of libraries, staging/development setup, and deployments at the first @wordpressdc dev lunch.
What I want to see in the Twenty Thirteen theme bit.ly/VI2hPy #wordpress
The August @WordPressDC meetup is going to be a good one. We are featuring @yurivictor: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/74…
Bad ass mod to a.macbook air. “@photomatt: Special WordPress Macbook Air wp.me/p4-Yp”
RT @byersalex: It would appear that iowagop.org/caucus is ‘Just Another #WordPress site’. Change your taglines, folks.
My writeup on the highlights from #wcphilly: aaron.jorb.in/blog/2011/11/wordc… via @AddThis
+1 RT @SeanBlanda: Organizing events is very hard. Much love to @williamsba, @zamoose, @anthonybubel and company for #wcphilly.
My roundup of DC Accessibility Camp 2011 in now up: bit.ly/v8OYLu #a11ydc #a11y
#a11y fail. Blind Man vs. The ATM: youtube.com/watch?v=6dQuAGJakHM&… (hattip @dinomite)
Making AddThis More Accessible | AddThis Blog: bit.ly/ncSBIF via @AddThis
Odds are I’ve broken more websites than you // Art, Code, & Beverages. @WordPress committer. @AMUNchicago Board. he/him