registration and sponsorships for @AccessCampDC on Saturday Oct 11, are open. bit.ly/accesscampdc14
registration and sponsorships for @AccessCampDC on Saturday Oct 11, are open. bit.ly/accesscampdc14
reminder sponsorships for 4th Annual Accessibility Camp DC (Oct. 13) opened today. Registration opens August 14. bit.ly/NcXqhB #aea
reminder tonight’s @AccessibilityDC is about iPhone and iPad accessibility at MLK library starting at 6:30 PM – bit.ly/yPoRCH
reminder Accessibility Camp is Saturday Oct, 22, 2011. Registration will open around mid August. #a11y #accessibility #usability
live video streaming of Accessibility Camp DC starts at 10 AM EDT – bit.ly/a11ydcvideo #a11ydc
reminder there are only a few days left to register for Accessibility Camp DC on Oct 9. bit.ly/bWjyAu #a11y #AxS #gov20 #UX #UI #IA
Accessibility Camp DC event CANCELED for October 11, 2014