🔥 Design tip: put labels above the input
✅ Works well for long and short labels
✅ Causes fewer eye fixations
✅ Works consistently across screen sizes
✅ Easily accommodates hint text and errors t.co/DwhK2x8wZ3
🔥 Design tip: put labels above the input
✅ Works well for long and short labels
✅ Causes fewer eye fixations
✅ Works consistently across screen sizes
✅ Easily accommodates hint text and errors t.co/DwhK2x8wZ3
Sites like Netflix put movies into rows of categories which can be horizontally scrolled into view.
This pattern is accessible, responsive and consistent across screen sizes.
That’s a lot of pros for a pattern that in reality has some critical downsides.
Let’s break it down 👇 t.co/eVUJyyIdvm
So peeps are going a bit mad for @stripe’s redesign.
It *looks* nice but that’s pretty much where it ends.
Thread 👇 t.co/Qdczqu2xJK
Spreadsheets are awesome because they’re infinitely flexible.
Spreadsheets are shit because they’re infinitely flexible.
Should you use one input or multiple inputs for one field?
✅The problem with multiple inputs
✅When multiple inputs are the way to go anyway
✅Why automatically focussing the next field with JS isn’t great
✅Why input masks aren’t great
Build better products faster through by making decisions. No need for stand ups…
In 10+ years I’ve not seen 1 SPA that loads faster than server rendered UIs.
It’s because loading up a whole bunch of JavaScript to make AJAX calls—which aren’t chunked—is slower than just letting browsers do what they do best—i.e. navigating, parsing, rendering HTML. twitter.com/ryanflorence/status/…
When designing a thing I usually think how can I make this work:
– with semantic html without JS
– responsively (small screen first)
– for screen readers users
– for keyboard users
If I manage to do this, I’m usually onto a winner.
🆕 I just published “Form design: handling optional fields”
Big thanks to @mrstevenproctor and @Amy_Hupe for their help. 👈
I can help you design relentlessly simple and accessible products. I share design tips regularly, often about forms.