A sign in the poker room reads “English Only” but I’m pretty sure if that’s a concern, the sign shouldn’t be in English only.
A sign in the poker room reads “English Only” but I’m pretty sure if that’s a concern, the sign shouldn’t be in English only.
Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. Jank. ∞
Realizing how few people give a shit about performance as I working from an Amtrak train. You’re killing me devs.
I’ve just researched the shit out of “farts.”
R.I.P Geeks Adventure Club (@gacdc) aeb.sr/2014/02/03/rip-geeks-adve…
4:04 PM Time Not Found
11th hour design changes, isn’t iterative design. It’s under thought and poorly executed design, early on.
current status: bitching about SEO consultants.
Responsive all the things!
Excited to see so many new people signed up for @gacdc Snowshoe Weekend. Only 3 spots left! – gacshoe12.eventbrite.com/
Looking for a few more #dctech people to join @gacdc at Snowshoe next month!
Cleaning up my buddy list by creating specific groups like Freelancers, Clients and these guys d.pr/i7lp
The tiny cube that could cut your cell phone bill money.cnn.com/2011/03/21/technol… via @CNNMoney
Wishing @flickr and @facebook would have the same photo navigation experience.
Purveyor of quirky verbosity, parables and dope rhymes. Maker. Rider. Gambler. Shooter. UI Engineer at @TravelBankHQ.