Challenge: Go to support forums this weekend; find one question you can answer & answer it. wordpress.org/support/ @helenhousandi #wcphilly
Challenge: Go to support forums this weekend; find one question you can answer & answer it. wordpress.org/support/ @helenhousandi #wcphilly
On choosing a platform, @kingkool68 “We found the more you pay, the crappier the CMS actually is.” #wcphilly
100% of your users have a disability, but not all of them know it yet. @aaronjorbin #wcphilly
“You don’t have to live that way.” @ramiabraham on managing your projects at #wcphilly
These semi-interactive music video visualizations are beautiful: georgeandjonathan.com/#6
Fascinating! @flowingdata tracked life changes before and after having a child: sleep, range, email, etc. flowingdata.com/2014/04/23/the-d…
Not “funny” but @xkcd visually explains how #heartbleed bug works: xkcd.com/1354/
Meetup tomorrow 7pm -> Accessible jQuery talk w/ @karlgroves & @dcjquery at @canvascowork in DC: meetup.com/DC-jQuery-Users-Group…
Why Chris Coyier still loves WordPress: css-tricks.com/just-use-insert-c… #web #design #dev
Now it’s time for the @aaronjorbin keynote…let the heckling begin! #wcbalt @wordcampbalt
Hey-o! I got my volunteer assignment for @wordcampbalt. Are you going? 2013.baltimore.wordcamp.org
OSSBBQ, behind the scenes: is.gd/dggYXZ /cc @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
The crew at @fathomcreative are sketching in prep for #OSSBBQ and it looks awesome: is.gd/nZAiwH @dcjquery @dcphp @WordPressDC
Next week, @WordPressDC is holding a genius bar: is.gd/avxrx3 If you didn’t go last year, it is a great event with refreshments.
Are you a web developer? This is much bigger than the Facebooks: is.gd/OcCUL3
I’m going to @AccessCampDC on Oct 13! Tickets are free.
2nd-Annual #ossbbq with @WordPressDC @DCjQuery @DCPHP & DC Droids: bit.ly/NaHYUd
EVERYBODY LOVES ALL CAPS. RT @danachis: Why do designers love all caps?
I’m lessening my chances of winning the Mega Millions jackpot by not buying a ticket.
Tonight, @WordPressDC at @fathomcreative is.gd/M29R2v
Freight/Transit design, foresight, and product strategy at GE Transportation, acquired by Wabtec; Insta: transfuturists; Speaker and workshop facilitator. (he)