A friendly reminder to practice software distancing. Please maintain six feet between your CSS and JS. twitter.com/markdalgleish/status…
A friendly reminder to practice software distancing. Please maintain six feet between your CSS and JS. twitter.com/markdalgleish/status…
I’d like to add you to my professional network on GitHub.
Forget that storm. Who bought provisions for the great Facestagram outage of ’15?
FINALLY a doctor comes clean about the REAL reason they want us to inject CHEMICALS into our kids — thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/…
Every single member (and moderator) of the #pcw14 “What’s Next for Wearables” panel calls Watch “the iWatch”
@kingkool68 This. Very this: dribbble.com/elliottcable
(by @elliottcable)
Blink-182Pac #bandcombos
Canadians: Happy Canada Day!
Americans: Happy Make Fun Of Canada Day, Eh?
My new favorite feature of iTunes. flic.kr/p/8xjUSB
I make Web things. Co-founded @Presentate, now @Dropbox building Paper.