Corporate Avoidance – corporateavoidance.com/
Corporate Avoidance – corporateavoidance.com/
There are two kinds of people: i.imgur.com/NGJLQAT.png
AT&T’s ‘Expansion’ of 1 Gbps to 100 Cities is a Big, Fat Bluff. dslreports.com/shownews/ATTs-Exp…
The Monitored Man: mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/20…
It’s a pretty douche move when we suggest “Just use X” when discussing a particular issue with a CMS: css-tricks.com/just-use-insert-c…
Ooh, a new Delicious? next.delicious.com/
Less is more. (An animated illustration) i.imgur.com/WntrM6p.gif
Honey Boo Boo’s going to end up being the only show on TLC. Crazy family + pageants + couponing? Pretty sure the apocalypse is nigh.
I can’t wait for OS X 10.9 Nyan Cat.
Social media becomes an echo chamber too quickly and too often.
Error 404 – Motivation Not Found.
Husband. Dad. Perpetual work in progress. Front-end designer/developer. Amateur toy photgrapher. Disney fan. Conference livetweeter.