We’re hiring a senior #WordPress engineer at @NBA! Come join @tweetsfromchris, me, and our awesome team. Pls RT! nbacareers.nba.com/job/Secaucus-…
We’re hiring a senior #WordPress engineer at @NBA! Come join @tweetsfromchris, me, and our awesome team. Pls RT! nbacareers.nba.com/job/Secaucus-…
The NBA (my day job!) is hiring a Senior #WordPress Engineer to support the 2K League. Cool and somewhat rare opportunity to join our product dev group! nbacareers.nba.com/job/Secaucus-…
Do you subscribe to my free newsletter, @BusinessOfCMS? It covers the CMS and DXP industry. I think you’ll like it 🙂 businessofcms.com/
I sort of hate to say it, because I know about all the hard work being done by many talented people, but I’m increasingly convinced that Gutenberg is the wrong solution for most enterprises using WordPress.
A watched download never finishes
refactor in the morning, refactor in the evening, refactor at suppertime
.@WordCampPhilly protip: if you have your computer set up to use Google Public DNS, that’s no bueno w/ the uaguest network.
There’s another famous George Alexander with a July 22nd birthday… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Ale…
Use the aria-label attribute when doing webfont icons! mzl.la/P9QnYf
Every time someone spells WordPress with a lowercase “p” a bit of my soul dies
Director of engineering, media enthusiast, @WordPress core contributor, occasional publisher of @BusinessOfCMS. (he/him)