I just read most of an article before the paywall finally kicked in and this is probably the first time I was thankful for slow JavaScript on a website
Atomic CSS:
<div class=”margin-bottom float-left”>
Subatomic CSS:
<div class=”įµįµŹ³įµį¶¦āæā»įµįµįµįµįµįµ į¶ Ė”įµįµįµā»Ė”įµį¶ įµ”>
Quantum CSS:
<div class=”is-loading success error”>
“Solving” a software problem by saying which tools or framework you’ll use is like solving a math problem by saying which calculator you’ll use. š§®
I’ve noticed this lately:
Sometimes a 100-line code change takes under an hour. ā³
And sometimes a 1-line code change takes over a day. š
Please don’t judge effort by lines of code written.