@drisoremus React is so 2019. HTML + minimum JS is 2020 😄✌️
@drisoremus React is so 2019. HTML + minimum JS is 2020 😄✌️
Now that our industry is finally recovering from the mass delusion that microservices was going to be the future, it’s surely time to for the even bigger delusion that serverless is what’s going to provide the all-purpose salvation 🙄😂
Treating the web as a “compile target” washes away much of what‘s so special about it. Reducing the web to just another closed platform, like Windows or iOS, is to be blind to its truly unique shape and promise. Let’s cherish what made the web special, not pave it over.
My most cherished luxuries:
All the sleep (8.5h+), none of the ⏰.
A flow of clean, filtered air.
Regular exercise driven by an instructor.
Fresh, home-cooked meals.
A view of nature and water.
Meaningful work for 40h/wk (or less).
Two kids and a wife to love and laugh with.
“Javascript dev is overwhelming and confusing because everyone is over-engineering their apps by default”, planningforaliens.com/blog/2016/…
I think the Switzerland watch business can breathe a sigh of relief.
Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at Basecamp, NYT best-selling author, and Le Mans 24h class-winning racing driver.