Preferred BBQ Sauce Base: Vinegar (32%), Mustard (24%), Tomato (30%), Racism (14%) #BBQStats
Preferred BBQ Sauce Base: Vinegar (32%), Mustard (24%), Tomato (30%), Racism (14%) #BBQStats
Date you’ll stop writing “2011” on checks: Feb 4 (22%); “What’s a check, grandpa?” (78%)
Enjoyment of cranberry sauce: Watching it slide out of the can: 98%; eating it: 2% #TurkeyStats
America’s favorite ghost: 53% Slimer from “Ghostbusters,” 33% Patrick Swayze in “Ghost,” 14% Patrick Swayze in reality. #SpookyStats
Costumes found scariest by adults: Prostate Cancer Ghost: 22%; Tax Audit Dracula: 31%; Public Speaking Werewolf: 47% #SpookyStats
45% of scat singers describe the economy as “dee-doo-doop,” 32% say “bibbity-bee-bop,” and 23% say “zippity zow zow zowwwwww.”
94% of deceased people have no response to Pew surveys, 3% respond by rapping on tables, 2% via Ouija boards, and 1% by possessing snowmen.
100% of lasers are FUCKING AWESOME.
When asked what the greatest problem facing the country is, 88% of all ex-girlfriends responded, “Oh…nothing. *sigh*”
78% of you are reading this right now.
Interesting data from the Fake Pew Research Institute. All material copyright The Bureau Chiefs, LLC. Contact: FakePewResearch at gmail. No submissions, please.