My county votes overwhelmingly in favor of gay marriage. MARYLAND RULES.

My county votes overwhelmingly in favor of gay marriage. MARYLAND RULES.
Literally True Fact: Marissa Mayer personally patched the hole in the Titanic and sailed it to New York. She has a track record, people.
Today on House Hunters: Can this couple agree on which brand-new 4,000 sq. ft., $150,000 McMansion to buy in Wyoming???
Before using a hashtag, ask yourself why you’re doing it. If you don’t have a good reason, don’t do it.
But they seriously need to stop using Sandusky as a hashtag. Everybody just fucking stop it with the hashtags.
I hope somebody steps up to fill @nclud’s shoes in the DC web world. Those guys are the heart of a great community.
@kingkool68 Don’t sell yourself short. Your entire life has been one day after another of hard work leading up to you wearing pants today.
Everything in Twitter Bootstrap is way more complicated than it needs to be.
Every text editor sucks in some major, deal-breaking way.
By speaking aloud the name of the thing I just ordered at Starbucks, I have doubled the number of words I’ve spoken so far today.
“The new iPad is literally hotter than the surface of sun.” — Mike Daisey reporting for Consumer Reports
Haptic feedback confirmed for new iPad: Everything feels like smooth glass!
I could wrap block-level elements in links before HTML5 too, you know. But now I can do it without some stupid validator telling me I can’t.
It’s becoming apparent that there’s a talent shortage among web developers. Sure, there are great people, just not enough of them.
If you’re going to play “Sleigh Ride”, it’s essential that you really own that horse sound at the end. Go big or go home.