A reminder that JavaScript has more than one kind of arrow function. You’re probably using the wrong one! medium.com/@Heydon/choosing-the-…
A reminder that JavaScript has more than one kind of arrow function. You’re probably using the wrong one! medium.com/@Heydon/choosing-the-…
Worry less about people disabling JavaScript for websites.
Worry more about JavaScript disabling websites for people.
@hankchizljaw The people working on Gatsby are too clever not to know this is misleading. Performance 101 is knowing that JS is expensive because it has to be computed and run, not just because it has to be downloaded.
Writing on your Gatsby blog leads to JavaScript bloat
Interesting comment on my blog:
‘”Full-stack” is just a modern day replacement of “Webmaster” – which went away for a reason.’
In light of recent assertions that “CSS is broken”, I have a tip for writing CSS more effectively: CSS isn’t JavaScript.
Rule of thumb: The less #CSS you write, the more consistent the interface will look.
Why I Hate Your Single Page App medium.com/@stilkov/why-i-hate-y…
Relearn CSS: every-layout.dev
Videos: briefs.video
Generative art: mutable.gallery
Death Garage: album.link/gb/i/1538491998
“he” or “they”