This is a great example of how to use Twitter to create engaging local content with low production costs. A local publication should be able to have their own sponsored ad placement on a thread like this.
This is a great example of how to use Twitter to create engaging local content with low production costs. A local publication should be able to have their own sponsored ad placement on a thread like this.
Thanks @billy_penn for finding out the back story on this Schuylkill river trail sinkhole and sign
What would the City of Surrey do differently? They’d design the pattern library first. bit.ly/1MpuyBP
Blacks, Hispanics, low-income Americans, high school educated are more likely to be mobile-only users.
pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Cel… #aeasea
Anyone interested in the “post-screen” future of interaction design should care about accessibility for blind users. bit.ly/QHe7nR
The digital divide is real: differences in access exist across demographic groups and income levels. pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Dig… #aea
I’m not ashamed of my fetish for mainframes and you shouldn’t be either. Brochures from @computerhistory: computerhistory.org/brochures/in… #aea
Lots of stats about the success of NPR’s API in this presentation at the Wolfram Data Summit: slideshare.net/danieljacobson/np… #aea
On a good day, I make the web more awesome.
On a bad day, I just make it suck less.