@TwitterA11y if any of you get laid off today, email @JennGroves ([email protected]) for completely free advice and guidance. She’s a 20 year HR pro and can help guide you through this mess. RT for reach.
@TwitterA11y if any of you get laid off today, email @JennGroves ([email protected]) for completely free advice and guidance. She’s a 20 year HR pro and can help guide you through this mess. RT for reach.
The Web would be a vastly more accessible place if professional Web developers had even a basic understanding of HTML
Currently writing a Twitter bot. Everytime a browser vendor tweets out something about a new feature the Twitter bot will reply “WE STILL CAN’T STYLE MOST FORM ELEMENTS!”
Please RT! Last Week’s jQuery DC event has been rescheduled to this Thursday ow.ly/vak4R cc @AccessibilityDC
Hey DC developers, designers, UXers and other geeks, let’s talk Accessibility tomorrow at iStrategyLabs ow.ly/uUyXc
Next Saturday! Video Captioning on the Web with @kingkool68 Baltimore Accessibility. Details located at ow.ly/5vlyR
Next Accessibility Baltimore meeting is July 9, 2011 “Video Captioning on the Web” with @kingkool68 (@vidcapper) ow.ly/5mOvC #a11y
No longer active on Twitter in any meaningful way