Always read danah boyd points.datasociety.net/your-data…
Always read danah boyd points.datasociety.net/your-data…
mind blown twitter.com/zachlieberman/status…
“People tend to assume tech is hard and humans are easy. In my experience tech is easy and humans are hard.” @EthanZ x.design.blog/
I identify with this content. newyorker.com/humor/daily-shouts…
Personally I would’ve gone with ‘¡Alibahoo!’
Doing some essential reading before my trip to Philly tomorrow billypenn.com/2016/11/25/sorry-t…
Sports are very stressful. Why do people like this?
Honestly it’s a bit of a miracle any of this ever works at all twitter.com/techcrunch/status/78…
Aw did no one tell Coldplay about the black leather and gold plan?
Maybe AMP is not the web we need, just the web we deserve right now.
ad blocker, but for people talking about ad blockers
Instant classic. twitter.com/gifs/status/64438363…
It’s a little crazy to me that’s everyone’s celebrating/condemning a still-secret regulation. No good reason for it not to be public.
But, yes, this petition is good
America is the dancing shark. The dancing shark is America.
” Facebook … has become primarily a venue for 30-somethings—a.k.a. olds—to post carefully staged pictures of their weddings and babies”
Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors in the shadows, PayPal lady? Are you OK? Can I get you an ibuprofen?
Up too early for a flight, it’s dark, it’s literally freezing, and WHY ARE THERE SO MANY JOGGERS IN THE PARK? What is wrong with you people?
Rock out with your Melissa Block out. #nprparty
The @SlackHQ Internet takeover continues: make.wordpress.org/chat/
Just trying to leave this place a little bit better than I found it. Work @automattic.