Farewell to @nekolaweb on his last day @pewresearch. Thanks for all the great code, dataviz, deep-dish pizza, etc.

Farewell to @nekolaweb on his last day @pewresearch. Thanks for all the great code, dataviz, deep-dish pizza, etc.
Thanks @UpshotNYT for shoutout to @pewresearch design crew:Stuff We Liked: Clever Data Visualization, Year in Outrage nyti.ms/1tJkvDj
Jobs w/@pewresearch digital team
Designer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u76
Developer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5sMD
Producer: pewrsr.ch/1qh5u79
Stars and Stripes Forever, a la Muppets … youtu.be/kDA9NbPAK8o
This might be the best appointment reminder I’ve ever scheduled
We’re hiring a Data Architect @pewresearch If you’ve got code, DB and/or visualization chops, learn more here: pewrsr.ch/U2j2ai
We’re hiring a web developer @pewresearch – come work w/@kingkool68, @nekolaweb and a bunch of other nice folks pewrsr.ch/RqEt3w
It’s 4/11/14, which is sort of a palindrome …
RT @TimesTech ‘Many will cancel their Web subscriptions & go back to watching television.’ – The Times, 1996 #web25
We’re hiring a graphic design assistant. Come work with us @pewresearch bit.ly/1egw5Z3
Now THAT’s my kind of algorithm … “Computers Can Now Write (Bad) Jokes” pocket.co/s4V5b
I love the sound of basecamp to-dos closing near the end of a project. cc: @basecampnews
You don’t grow a beard with your face. You grow a beard with your soul. Here’s how to start. bit.ly/KG4x0n
Web Developers — we’re looking for smart people with WordPress, Javascript, PHP and MySQL chops @pewresearch pewrsr.ch/KN9b2I
Among 18-24 year-olds more than half (53%) live at home or moved in for a time during the past few years. bit.ly/zaVmgk #millennials
Great summer internship opportunity @pewinternet bit.ly/xK3y02
Number of people getting campaign news from local TV and network news continues steep decline ow.ly/8VxjA via @pewresearch
Great @NewYorker #longreads overview of the past, present and future of @youtube nyr.kr/ysrIGg
Barely Half of U.S. Adults Are Married – A Record Low bit.ly/rr17s4 via @pewresearch #marriage #divorce
For the first time @theatlantic digital ad revenue exceeds print. ow.ly/7Ati1
Digital @pewresearch. Dad, Philly fan, he/him. I like cats …