Flashback Friday! This is from 2002 when we spent Thanksgiving in Ocean City. This was also the first… instagram.com/p/hTIugKxzbE/
Flashback Friday! This is from 2002 when we spent Thanksgiving in Ocean City. This was also the first… instagram.com/p/hTIugKxzbE/
GASP! … It’s Sharknado and a Pop Art Girl! Happy Halloween everyone! instagram.com/p/gPHMhdRzTp/
Sparkler fun on the beach! @ Central Ave Beach Bethany instagram.com/p/bXhCkURzVq/
I want to start a new crusade …. NO IPADS AT WEDDINGS! It hinders others from seeing past you & you just look silly! (Drops mic)
According to russellandkristina.com we have been married for 1000 days! Woo hoo! Russell- I love you to… instagr.am/p/WCx11hRzXU/
I need to label snack foods for Russell to eat or he gets confused. Lol instagr.am/p/VF05BZxzV5/
Home for the Holidays! Cuddling on the couch with the hubby and enjoying our Christmas tree and lights! instagr.am/p/Tr0lS3xzaG/
Dinner tonight: Brie, apple, red onion & rosemary organic Turkey burgers with sliced cranberry jelly & bacon instagr.am/p/SzBx_WRzRm/
Yo Vote! Happy Election Day! instagr.am/p/RsEptoRzcP/
OMG just saw Hilary Clinton in front of @shakeshack instagr.am/p/Ri8_3PRzZh/
I decorated our house for its first Halloween (with us) in 45 mins after work! We had 42 kids come by and we instagr.am/p/ReC4A6xzXo/
Our finished hardwood floors. instagr.am/p/QmplC-xzdW/
We are redoing our powder room! Russell and my dad demo’d the walls … here is Russell showing off his new instagr.am/p/QP9yzFRzUj/
Russell will be attending some nerd conference in Alexandria for the next 3 days … sorry in advance for all his nerdy post til then.
Looking forward to the empanadas @kingkool68 brought home from his meet-up last night. Waayyy better choice then the left over beer. Lol
Off work early… headed to the beach now for the long holiday weekend! Woo Happy 4th of July! @OCMaryland and Bethany Beach here we come!
ONE STEP CLOSER!!! The bank accepted our offer on the short sale! Wooo hoo! instagr.am/p/MDaYUlRzQK/
I think its funny I get asked “when are you guys having kids” more at Jeanette’s house then I do at my house. Lol
ping.fm/p/ty8QS – RT: Cinco De Mayo is the one day of the year where all white people freely toe the line of racism. lol #sotrue
I feel so thankful to have both set of parents come to view a house w. us! They gave us the best advice & inspected every inch to help us.