If you ever type another <input> tag , this is required reading: blog.cloudfour.com/autofill-what… The codepen form at the end is *pure gold*.
If you ever type another <input> tag , this is required reading: blog.cloudfour.com/autofill-what… The codepen form at the end is *pure gold*.
Google search now (finally) does timezone math. 😀
clippingmagic.com/ : Extremely handy webapp for removing image backgrounds
à·´ High performance animations à·´, by @aerotwist and I.
In one image:
Really like pointerpointer.com so I made a video explaining how it works: youtu.be/Z2ZXW2HBLPM
CSS filters landed in Webkit. Yesss! updates.html5rocks.com/2011/12/C… div {-webkit-filter: blur(10px) } Boom boom. Fire up your Chrome Canary!
HTML5, CSS3, and DOM Performance: youtu.be/q_O9_C2ZjoA (30min) wherein I cover reflows, hw accel css, animations, ‘n more
I think it’s time for some mothereffingtextshadow.com
The web is awesome, let’s make it even better • I work on Chrome DevTools and browser performance • big fan of rye whiskey, data and whimsy