Cancelling performance.now() 2021 was the right decision, except financially.
I’m looking for donations and/or new jobs. Has QuirksMode.org ever helped you? Need a CSS coach? Or a technical documentation writer? Let me know.
RT = sweet
Cancelling performance.now() 2021 was the right decision, except financially.
I’m looking for donations and/or new jobs. Has QuirksMode.org ever helped you? Need a CSS coach? Or a technical documentation writer? Let me know.
RT = sweet
I offer CSS coaching for people who want to learn CSS but don’t know where to start, get lost in the multitude of options it offers, or don’t quite grok CSS as a programming language.
Interested? Let me know.
RT = appreciated
And could you do me a HUGE favour?
Could you take your Android device, check if it has a browser called ‘Browser’ or ‘Internet’, take it to quirksmode.org/cgi-bin/test.pl and hit Send Info?
And maybe retweet?
(Samsung Internet not necessary; I already have it.)
It occurs to me that a Chromium-based Edge is much easier to port to Android than an EdgeHTML-based one.
This. #perfnow
Wie worde from @estellevw
Slides of my #cssday presentation now up at quirksmode.org/presentations/Spr…
Angular and templating.
Hm. MS’s new H.264 Chrome extension replaces HTML5 <video> with an <object>. So much for rooting for Microsoft.
CSS coach quirksmode.org/css-coaching.html – @cssdayconf and @perfnowconf co-organiser