If I google the term “Company X” and the first result is an ad for Company Y, my opinion of Company Y plummets.
I do not think your marketing budget is achieving what you intend.
If I google the term “Company X” and the first result is an ad for Company Y, my opinion of Company Y plummets.
I do not think your marketing budget is achieving what you intend.
This criticism of the node ecosystem is apt.
The interview should resemble the job. Which means that yes, some companies should absolutely continue making candidates code in front of a condescending jackass who belittles them over trivia.
That must be why everyone just loves Facebook now. twitter.com/techmeme/status/1440…
Auto-scaling exists so you can feel bad about not doing it.
The most odious conversations are always when software engineers start LARPing as some other profession.
In this case, it’s attorneys.
Oh my god please find a new topic already
I mean really–what’s easier to get approved? “I will build your website that does FOO for $25K” or “I charge $175 an hour for WordPress development; this should take 120 hours-ish?”
Let’s play “Job Interview.” Ask me the questions you don’t know how to answer when you’re asked, and I’ll step through them. No, not the coding / technical questions; the “where do you see yourself in five years” variety. Hit me!
“Comma comma comma comma comma chameleon” I mutter to myself as I fill out a zoo_animals.csv file by hand in a text editor.
Okay, when no less than Steve Yegge craps on @GCPcloud for deprecating things, you pull up a chair and listen. @killedbygoogle, read this. medium.com/@steve.yegge/dear-goo…
COVID19 has done more to further your company’s digital transformation than the last dozen CIOs.
The greatest myth across the entire industry is that after this sprint we’re all going to start making good technical decisions instead.
Tonight I want to rant a bit about money.
For those who’ve never run a company, it turns out they run on giant burning piles of money. It’s way more expensive to run a small business than I’d have believed before I did it.
Strive mightily to never work for free.
People die of exposure.
Where they go to drown the Google products we love. twitter.com/billbennettnz/status…
Oh no not the worst people on Twitter what would the rest of us doooo twitter.com/ciaspygirl/status/12…
“Ahmee vs. AMI, JSON vs YAML, Serverless vs. Containers, vim vs. Emacs, tabs vs. spaces” No matter where you stand on these issues we can agree on one thing. It’s better to scream at strangers about these things than it is to do our actual jobs.
So let’s talk personal finance; it’s more relevant to most folks today.
I’m not a @FINRA certified financial advisor, but I did work at a roboadvisor for a while. Before that I did (and still do occasionally) moderate Reddit’s /r/personalfinance.
In honor of today’s Leap Day, @office365 will be taking 24 hours of downtime to avoid having to change their name.
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news: lastweekinaws.com/t/