Everything fits in the layout when everyone’s name is Jane Doe. @vlh #aeachi
Performance > design. Nobody waits. Your site is only beautiful if someone sees it. @zeldman #aeachi
It doesn’t matter what your website can do if it never loads. #io15
Things all parents should do: teach kids financial responsibility by showing them the family income and budget. nyti.ms/1yQIxMQ
Breakpoints are not fixed numbers that can apply universally to any website. They are literally the size points at which the layout breaks.
The Internet on your mobile device is the same Internet that’s on your desktop. Really. I promise.
Inspired by #aeadc, @zeldman, @lukew, and others, I whipped up another Internet vs. Cupcake: youtube.com/watch?v=ZpjTZ8MRSew
@meyerweb: “You need to unlearn everything you have learned about web design.” Person behind me: “Again?” #aeadc
Delivering a desktop experience on mobile as “ergonomic lunacy”. Possibly the phrase of the day. @karenmcgrane #aeadc