Excellent post on the history of Xbox design: arun.is/blog/xbox/ by @zhenpixels

Excellent post on the history of Xbox design: arun.is/blog/xbox/ by @zhenpixels
🤠 There’s a new speedtest in town 🤠
🆕📝 Wrote a bit (7,000 words) about how I made my website, how I think about it, why I don’t offer it as a theme and what I want to do with it next.
I’ll keep updating this page as things change. t.co/VHcBWe6tOV
Wow.. best web dev tip I’ve learned in the last year at least.
Type document.designMode = ‘on’ into the console on any website and it lets you place the cursor anywhere to edit text, instead of having to poke around the DOM tree manually. twitter.com/sulco/status/1177559…
“The client’s site is down. What happened?” briangilham.com/be-kind
“Mom you need to force click it not long press.”
Design process: Junior designer vs Senior designer
Recruiters: Now looking for engineers with 5 years of Swift experience!
Home is where the wifi connects automatically
Design @RewindAI. Previously designed @Twitter for 9 years. Made @StocketaApp. Tweets about design & code.
Mastodon: @[email protected]