
@kingkool68 Objective-C shanties
@kingkool68 Objective-C shanties
“@Gizmodo: Here’s how ridiculous this year’s CES will look in 2034 ” WEARABLES 1.0 #CES
Bars and Tone? Worst closing band ever.
“Shit Mubarak Says” coming to CBS this Fall.
RT @jonmulholland: RT @theonesita: Loading 2011 ███████████████]99%
This guy gets it. RT @engadget: Mayor of Newark, New Jersey starts Twitter blizzard cleanup snowpocalypse revolution
Funny, the Droid event slogan is the same as the local sperm bank: “Put your hands around the future”
Security cameras don’t ensure safety. Ninjas do.
🖋Writer, producer, actor, part-time magician. 🗿Tech journalist since 2003, educator before. 📝 RIP TUAW & DLS. 📡 Lighten up, Francis.