Tangentially fascinating: the terms “film”, “footage”, “tapes” and “album” are way more out of date than the diskette icon for saving, but the seem to keep sticking around twitter.com/AP/status/1541477948…
Tangentially fascinating: the terms “film”, “footage”, “tapes” and “album” are way more out of date than the diskette icon for saving, but the seem to keep sticking around twitter.com/AP/status/1541477948…
RT if you remember
Modern web apps are broken. Broken all the way down the DOM tree.
This is how much the Finder changed between Mac OS 1 and 9.2.
I dare you: look at the history of Mac OS X 10.0 to macOS 1.0. 🤪 t.co/9hTOSh23Vy
It’s 2025. Every TV show has their own streaming service which you need to subscribe to.
For some reason, nobody knows why, it’s a complete mystery, totally unexplainable, pirating is taking off again.
@dvassallo As a programmer a big part of your job is to know when it is good enough.
WOW Love the new Mac Pro!!1!
Here we see a JavaScript programmer deploying his April Fools joke
We have had solid testing tools for web apps for more than a decade, which enable programmers to keep legacy code maintained without the fear of breaking behavior.
And that’s why, about every two years, all code gets thrown away and rewritten in whatever framework is popular.
Web developers, please do test your print stylesheets.
Here we see a react engineer deploying a contact form
Is there a conference for web developers that specifically caters to “lean web” (don’t use JS if not necessary etc.)?
~15 years trying to make everyone separate HTML, JS & CSS. And then suddenly everything went south and we’re writing code like this. t.co/NnmJmPvEgp
Reminder that this is an actual product that actual people thought was a good idea to make.
How to use Enterprise™ APIs
If you’re a web developer, a good New Year’s resolution for 2015 is to do at least one project without any JavaScript frameworks.
🤪JavaScript rants, 🕹old computers, 🔭astrophotography and a helping of 🐈cat photos. ⏱Purveyor of fine time tracking software nokotime.com #BLM he/him