Today is #BlueBeanieDay, an annual international celebration of web standards.
Many thanks to all who help to develop standards, promote the open web and web accessibility (special ht (ha ha) to @zeldman)
Today is #BlueBeanieDay, an annual international celebration of web standards.
Many thanks to all who help to develop standards, promote the open web and web accessibility (special ht (ha ha) to @zeldman)
Did you know?
# of Web Servers
1991: 1
1992: 10
1993: 50
1994: 623
1995: 10,022
1996: 100,000
1997: 603,367
1998: ~1.6 million
1999: ~3.7 million
2000: ~9.5 million
2001: ~26 million
2002: ~36 million
2003: ~35 million
2004: more than ~46 million
2019: more than 1,717,077,725
On the anniversary of the Web, a reminder: @timberners_lee invented the Web and @vgcerf invented the Internet #Web30 #ForTheWeb t.co/vjqbcSDl8u
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) makes the Web work, for everyone. We develop interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools)