I just received word that I’m being laid off which means I’m open to new opportunities. It also means I’ll get to collaborate with a new product design team which is always exciting. Mind helping me get the word out? linkedin.com/in/nickwhitmoyer/
I just received word that I’m being laid off which means I’m open to new opportunities. It also means I’ll get to collaborate with a new product design team which is always exciting. Mind helping me get the word out? linkedin.com/in/nickwhitmoyer/
Who’d like to help @RefreshDC host an amazing talk with the @WashingtonPost product team on Thursday 2/21? We’re currently looking for a venue. Please RT.
We’re looking for a few good talks at @RefreshDC! Interested in presenting? Let me know.
Want: d.pr/pBsG
Awesome conversation with the Design Director of the Obama campaign #ConvergeSE
Woah nice job @nclud, just saw this for tonight’s HH! nclud.com/event/aparty2012/ #aeadc
Product design lead at @ConsenSys, previously at @Fidelity and @WhistleStudios. Organizer at @RefreshDC.