Please take this year’s annual WordPress survey, and tell your friends! wp-survey.polldaddy.com/s/wp-201…
Please take this year’s annual WordPress survey, and tell your friends! wp-survey.polldaddy.com/s/wp-201…
WordPress 3.5.2 Security and Maintenance Release: wp.me/pZhYe-G8
WordPress 3.5 “Elvin” is out and has completely re-imagined media, galleries, and more: wp.me/sZhYe-elvin
WordPress 3.4 is here! Update your site now to try the new theme customizer, better headers, HTML captions & more: wp.me/pZhYe-BE
Introducing WordPress 3.2, Gershwin: bit.ly/mBKV1C
Reset required for WordPress.org site passwords (forums, codex, etc): wp.me/pZhYe-uM
Accessibility pros: Want to contribute to WP? Help review upcoming 3.2 & default theme make.wordpress.org/accessibility…
Updates and other fun stuff related to WordPress.org (that’s the self-hosted version). For support: WordPress.org/support/