The October WordPressDC meetup will be 1 week later then usual. Join us when @chexee from WordPress.com talks meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/85…
The October WordPressDC meetup will be 1 week later then usual. Join us when @chexee from WordPress.com talks meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/85…
Thanks again to @addthis for all the food and drinks last night and @fathomcreative for the space. We hope you had a great time. #ossbbq
We just hit 1000 members on Meetup! Credit goes to many awesome speakers leading up to this. See you next week at #ossbbq
179 total registrations so far for the Open Source BBQ. RSVP, we will fill up: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/66… cc/ @dcphp @dcjquery
Join us tomorrow when @BenBalter talks about WordPress as an Organizational Tool: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/60…
Having trouble finding a good plugin? Join us tonight as seven speakers will talk about there favorite plugins: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/51…
Tonight at @fathomcreative is the DC Droids meetup, not WordPress DC. See you Feb. 21: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/51…, then back to the 2nd Tuesday.
Join us tonight at 7:00pm at @fathomcreative. We’ll have pizza thanks to @MSQRealEstate. RSVP: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/46…
Join us October 11 when special guests @darylkoop and @evansolomon will be talking about Users meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/33…
Our September meetup is going to be genius bar and social time with pizza. Join us September 13 at 7pm: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/29…
Tuesday @kingkool68 will present about “Understanding your Audience” and a genius bar will help answer your questions: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
The live stream for @WordPressDC just started: ustream.tv/channel/wordpressdc #wpdc. @BenBalter up first on PHP basics
Join us TONIGHT for a special presentation by @themitcho. I’ve seen the slides, you will be impressed and informed. bit.ly/gY0NyO
The DC-area monthly WordPress meetup group. Organizers: @bethsoderberg, @lelandf, @TaraClaeys