@santoroski the past two days were brutal. #aea
stopdesign.com/archive/2009/02/0… Gmail uses crazy nested ml to create their buttons #aea
“If you leave a semicolon off of a javascript, no-problem, it will perform semi-colon insertion. Sounds painful.” #aea – @adactio
I love horses and rock collections #aea
In not completely unrelated news, I already miss #AEA. Thank you all. You were beyond awesome. I wish I could’ve stayed longer.
Waiting for 17 people to tweet “the word deprecated has been deprecated”. #aea
@richardmtl we could all take a road trip during lunch. #aea
@freshyill there’s an awesome color picker built right into osx as it’s own app in the utilities folder. I forget its name. #aea
Omnes is an awesome font. #aea
@grum_dot_com and marquee. #aea
here’s to making <cruft> part of the HTML5 spec #aea
That’s it! RT @courcelan digitalcolor meter I believe #aea
@grum_dot_com I have to double tap everything since yesterday afternoon. #aea
I wrapped a link around stuff last week. #aea
You paid good money to hear me talk out of my ass – @adactio #aea
www.syfy.co.uk Drupal fail. Nice. #aea
the-art-of-web.com/css/timing-fu… for writing your own bezier curves for Safari transitions #aea
One character elements are valuable, just like domain names. #aea